Intuit Developer Community Blog Intuit Developer Community Blog Intuit Developer Community Blog


As the website’s name suggests, Chargeback is an approving invoices to xero as draft or awaiting approval that’s designed to help businesses simplify their chargeback management and reduce the risk of chargebacks. Their app is still being trialed in an early-access beta program, but their business blog produces great content on topics like e-commerce and how to manage an online business. Grow by the website Acorns aims to give practical ideas to transform your finances and, in turn, your life. Their business blog provides a mix of financial news, how-to’s, interviews, and what they call Money 101.


QuickBooks, on the other hand, is a software dedicated only to accounting. It has features required specifically for accounting like income and expenses tracking, payroll management, invoicing and inventory management. You have easy access to all the common financial statements like balance sheet, profit and loss (P&L) statement, cash flow statements and taxes filed. You can take a printout of these statements for your accountant and send it across to them at the time of filing or invite them to view these statements without needing a login ID or password. The payroll add-on calculates payroll automatically as often as you want.

The Freelancer by Contently

QuickBooks makes it easy to create invoices either from scratch or from an earlier estimate. Regardless of how you choose to back up your QuickBooks Online data, a reliable backup copy is essential. Unlike QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online does not include the ability to back up your files independently (i.e., on a server or a location disconnected from your QuickBooks Online instance). Understanding the best data security practices for cloud-based accounting tools like QuickBooks Online will keep your clients secure as you transition. Most standard accounting reports are also available for the export.


Once there, adjust the time period to, for example, Last Quarter and press the Run report button. There are 19 reports available in the Payroll category, right at the bottom of the Reports page. Those of you on Smart Start and Essentials plans can access nearly all of them without any restrictions. There are many different types of reports available in your QuickBooks account. We’ll now explain where to find the ones you’re interested in the most. We’ll also touch on how to export them with the method of your choice.

You can find a host of free tools, training, strategies, articles, online seminars, and discussion forums on their business blog. They cover a wide range of sales and marketing topics, including advertising basics, brand management, customer behavior, and public relations. Quuu helps marketers find great content to share on their social media channels, automatically posting approved content across their accounts.

Table of Contents

Additionally, some groups are closed and you must ask permission to join from the moderator. Certain groups, on the other hand, are public and you can see questions and answers posted by users even without joining the group. As with all social media platforms, you should use your best judgment when joining QuickBooks groups and interacting with other members. That being said, however, these QuickBooks community Facebook groups can be helpful places for discussion — on a platform that you may already use on a frequent basis. Each of these well-established business blogs offers great insights, advice, and tactics for growing your business.


Quuu uses their business blog to teach people how to improve their social media and content marketing via digestible, actionable, and GIF-filled content. Neil Patelis a renowned site for those involved in the content marketing space. Their product is a customer-engagement-automation platform, and the Neil Patel business blog focuses on analytics, marketing, and testing. They’ve built up a huge library of detailed posts, and some of the most important categories are analytics, blogging, branding, and conversion optimization.

This way, they can format it to their liking, run advanced formulas or even the numbers into external services – for example, data visualization tools. Users on the Simple Start plan can also customize reports as well as access management reports and compilations. InCredibly creates content that helps their readers to manage their small-business capital. The content of their business blog tends to fall into three areas — evaluating capital needs, accessing the right funding, and intelligently putting your capital to work. Recent posts on her business blog emphasize saving money, budget cooking and event planning, and understanding unpaid medical bills.

Insights by Stanford Business

Typical topics on this business blog focus on how to create successful content, blogging best practices, and how to get more shares for your posts. They developed a huge archive of posts to help you develop your online marketing efforts. Skillcrush is an interactive, online-learning community for creatives, thinkers, and makers who want to build their coding skills.


He’s a deep thinker and can get away with breaking the conventional rules about blog length every time. Chris Brogan provides marketing strategy and skills training for entrepreneurs. Forbes listed Chris as one of the “Must Follow Marketing Minds of 2014” and listed his website as one of the 100 best websites for entrepreneurs. WeWork provides a variety of options for start-ups and solopreneurs who need a workspace — from private office space for teams of 100+ to desks in shared spaces to one-off areas for hosting meetings. Articles cover a wide range of business-related topics in virtually every discipline taught at the university. They also have a monthly digital magazine aimed at young entrepreneurs.

In a nutshell, it allows you to send an email with a chosen report to a specific email address, at a chosen interval. Whereas, the availability of standard reports depends on the subscription plan you have. As reports are the purpose of this article, we’ll focus solely on the first category for the duration of this article. Michelle’s blog has won numerous awards since its 2011 debut, and it is featured on many big-name websites. The bulk of her posts are relate to saving money, making money, and paying off debt. Bestselling author and prolific marketer Seth Godin gained his fame by telling compelling stories in only a few words.

Launching a national financial literacy program for students in … – Intuit

Launching a national financial literacy program for students in ….

Posted: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Holidays Everything you need to prepare for and have a successful holiday season. Employees Everything you need to know about managing and retaining employees.

You can find the available reports under the Sales and Customers category. Essentials users have additional access to Sales by Customer Detail and by Customer Type Detail. What’s more, they can also view Sales by Product/Service Detail and Summary. With you can import the Expenses by Vendor report, regardless of your plan.

In 2022, he received the Sakip Sabanci International Research Award and Kiel Institute’s Global Economy Prize. The US region with the largest monthly drop in employment was the Mideast at -0.18% while employment grew by 0.33% in New England . You can download and get started after spending a couple of hours browsing through the different screens. As of this writing, QuickBooks Online was offering a 50% discount for three months on all subscription plans.

Teachable is a platform that allows you to create and sell online courses. Their business blog generally focuses on how to develop courses and grow your audience of students. Their most popular posts cover influencer launch case studies, audience-building tactics that actually work, and how to create content that converts visitors into paying students. As its name suggests, the OptinMonster Conversion Rate Optimization Blog provides practical tips and step-by-step tutorials on how to boost your site’s conversions and hit your growth targets. The posts on this business blog are a mixture of case studies, tutorials, and articles on various aspects of A/B testing, growth tactics, content marketing, email marketing, and lead generation. Alongside this content, their business blog provides hints and tips about how to get the most out of the Leadpages products.

Management reports are more of a feature than a new type of report. Basically, it allows you to format any of the existing reports into a good-looking PDF template, with a cover page, executive summary, and other beautiful components. While in there, you can also access other project reports in QuickBooks Online – Project profitability and Unbilled time and expenses. There’s a very limited number of supplier reports available on the Smart Start plan, Check Detail, Transaction List by Supplier and Supplier Contact List being the only ones you can access. Each report can be sent to a specific email address at a certain scheduled interval. Refer to the Schedule reports in the QuickBooks Online section for details on how to set it up.






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